In our fast-paced, information overloaded world, we are continually seeking new, faster ways to absorb knowledge and find entertainment. We want information and entertainment fast, which is why we are increasingly turning to online videos to find it. It’s therefore no surprise that more and more companies are turning to the use of video as part of their content marketing campaigns to engage, find and retain customers.
According research by Cisco, video will account for 69% of all consumer internet traffic by 2017. According to research by Axxon, 75% of people now share video content on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. As well as this, 1 in 5 people are watching videos every day related to their work. And these huge figures are only set to grow miles in the near future.
100 million Internet users watch video online every day, whether it’s for entertainment or as a source of information. YouTube alone receives over 1 billion visitors a month. With such big figures to take advantage of, it only makes sense that your business should be incorporating video as part of your marketing campaigns. You have the opportunity at your fingertips to access these millions of video users and sharers.
Using video is a quick way to engage with your customers. According to Forrester Research, 1 minute of video is equal to 1.8 million words of text, and I think most people would choose the video. The Axxon Research also found that seven out of 10 people view brands in a more positive light after watching interesting video content from them. Creating just 1 minute of impelling video content is enough to speak over 1 million words to your potential customer and get them to see you in a better light.
Using video gives your company the opportunity to connect with your audience on a personal and emotional level – something that text just can’t do. If you can move, entertain, surprise, make your audience laugh, cry or get your audience thinking, your video may just go viral and open up a whole world of opportunity for you. More people would rather watch a video than read text, so give your customers what they want. Whatever the goals of your online marketing campaign, using video is without a doubt becoming the most effective way to reach them.
Creating interesting and shareable video content can have huge benefits for your business. You can reach millions of potential customers in just minutes and get your brand noticed. With more and more people watching online videos, now is the time to take advantage and access millions of consumers with compelling video content.